
so little time...

We're back in Florida after a CRAZY buy WONDERFUL couple of weeks. It was great to see everyone again, some of the people we stayed with we hadn't seen since the wedding! Now, though, we have to get down to business... packing the house and taking care of all the details. Whew! Who knew we had so much junk?!? Thanks to my mom for helping us sort through everything, without her we wouldn't get anything done (even if we do make frequent brownie breaks - hey, we have to use up the mixes before we leave, don't we?)

We bought our tickets. Apparently, when you fly with animals, 2 are allowed on per plane as carry-ons. What they don't tell you is that one is allowed in coach, and one in business (their version of first class). At first we were a bit dismayed since we're broker than broke, but on the phone they hooked us up with a really good price that was even better than the coach ticket online. I'm now looking forward to my first ride in the front of the plane! Hope Dave doesn't miss me too much while he's cramped in the back! :) It's only a 2 hour flight anyway...

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